

When the One who created us sees us in trouble, there is nothing in the universe that can
stop Him from coming down to save the ones He loves. Will we give Him the key to our hearts?

Transported back in time to God's loving plan for Creation, the story unravels the disobedience
which lead to the fall of Creation, and the life and miracles of Superhero Jesus sent to save us.
A heartfelt prayer for children to express love, repentance and devotion
to their Superhero concludes their journey through the book.

With exquisite illustrations to captivate both young and old - the flowing poetry
will reside in their hearts and minds long after the last word is read.

A poetic introduction to Superhero Jesus Christ, whose love made Him do the impossible to save us. Ages 4-12.


This American dynamic duo passionately praises God through music, art, dance
and poetry. The Ultimate Superhero birthed from the desire to share
the love of Christ those who He most exquisitely created.

May He be glorified in all we do as a gift back to Him!



eBook link

Paperback link

Hardback link

If your interested in an audio file please forward requests to: OURULTIMATESUPERHERO@GMAIL.COM
Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

The Ultimate Superhero by E.M. Noel is a beautiful storybook for children that will help them incorporate God and daily prayers into their lives. The story reiterates the power and presence of God in one's daily life and how disobedience to Him can actually lead to the fall of creation. 'There is no one like God who rides on the Heavens to help you.' This verse from the book forms the essence of the theme. The verses, which are simple and easy to comprehend by young readers, speak of God's love for His creation and how He comes down to help during times of need and trouble to save the ones He loves. It is the perfect storybook for kids to learn more about Jesus and His love for people, and His sacrifices to save humans from difficult times and strife. The illustrations are colorful and bright, and take the verses to another dimension by giving them more clarity and movement. The book has a beautiful message of hope, love and encouragement, and it is an inspiration to all readers. It's a perfect book to be used for read aloud sessions in classrooms and school libraries. It can be used for Sunday Bible Classes to motivate kids. Parents and grandparents can also use it as a bedtime storybook. The book is a refreshing read for children and teaches them Christian values and beliefs in an engaging way.

5.0 out of 5 stars ... all the 'tween boys in Sunday School - they loved it! January 7, 2015
By Ginnys mom
Format:Paperback|Verified Purchase
This was purchased for all the 'tween boys in Sunday School - they loved it!

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Children's Book! December 5, 2014
By StarGrace
A very well written and illustrated children’s book.
The writing is concise and expressive, true to genuine fundamental Christian belief.
The sketches are tastefully color coordinated and extremely artistic.

5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome Message of hope and encouragement December 27, 2014
This is a beautifully written and illustrated book especially for children. It communicates the message of God’s Love and plan for saving us in a
simple, poetic, and powerful way as well as through creative artistry. Certain phrases are an exhortation for us to live by, such as to be
“conquering warriors and not constant worriers”. For me, the picture of the crosses at Calgary with the saddened and broken heart of a loving God
looking down on the suffering of Christ and His death on our behalf hits home. He “buried our sin and saved us from shame” are two of the thoughts
that bring freedom from the unbearable burden and punishment for our sins and failures. The question is asked: if God has done so much for us, how
much will we in turn love Him and do for Him?

5.0 out of 5 stars Wow very nice December 8, 2014
By Stay_Cool
Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Quite a refreshing children's book adhering to Christian principles with beautiful illustrations and rhyme.
Very artistic. This definitely is outside of your typical cartoonish children's book. I hope it might inspire my kids to want to draw like this!

5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful! December 15, 2014
Pleasant surprise for the children and I. Short and easy read. Artwork is beautiful!

